Copyright Notice


All images appearing on this web site are the property of Tom Lazar and are protected under United States and International copyright laws. The use of any images or materials on this site in whole or part, including, but not limited to, downloading, copied, reproduced, stored, manipulated, or used for any reason is expressly prohibited without the written permission of the photographer. 


Image Use & Licensing


In addition to his Fine Art Print Tom’s images are seen throughout the world in a variety of uses including magazines, books, advertisements, websites, brochures, music CD’s, DVD’s, etc, etc.  Clients include Audubon, National Geographic, BBC Wildlife, National Wildlife Federation, Birders World magazine, Nature Photographer magazine, Grosset & Dunlap, Lerner Publications, Willow Creek Press, and numerous others.

Tom’s stock library includes tens of thousands of images of birds, animals, and other wildlife as well as both scenic and nature images from throughout North America.  If you are interested in more information on specific images available and licensing rates please contact us for more information.  It would be helpful when making your inquiry for you to specify which image(s), subject, or themes you are interested in, a description of the desired usage, a brief description of the company and industry, the image size(s) required, the print run and distribution territory (if applicable), and the duration of the license.


Below are a few samples of my images in various usages. Click on each for full size.